we had several of our friends over on saturday for an easter egg hunt
gathering. we hid somewhere around 250 eggs!
we filled them up with candy and surprises for the kiddies.
made some yummy snacks for the grown kiddies and just enjoyed each others company! the kids had a ball.
very sweet to watch them run around the yard with their baskets and fill them up with eggs!

shannon, my best friend saying leslee! don't take my picture! i meant it!
looks like i listened ;)

our family


allie, lexie (our sitter's kids), and reagan hunting eggs


the riggans

my beautiful mama and me. look how much we look alike here in the nose and mouth.

the best friends

aubree finding eggs.
what is so funny about this is she made her daddy hold her basket the
entire egg hunt! miss priss would not carry it!
bryan followed her around the whole time while she filled up her basket.
too funny...


the gregorys


the youngs

jana and laura
we had so much fun this easter!
thank you poppy for helping hide the eggs!