halloween at the Hall's was nothing short of a success!
we had a few of our close friends over for a little kiddie halloween party!
we trick or treated, made caramel apples and spiced cider, had some pizza, face painting, and a lot of playing!!
its going to be a "family" tradition for us from now on!
here is part of the gang in our make shift hay ride, i'll explain later.
anyway, aubree wanted nothing to do with it! she said NO!!
she rode in the stroller beside of us and katie was nice enough to push her around.
lovebug aka "jana". she is eating a kit kat from her halloween candy after she had a pumpkin painted on her face.
the bestie being such a good sport and letting MyKayla paint a bat on her face. she so didnt want to do this but we made her!
lovebug, ask her what she was for halloween and she says a Meow!
so sweet.
albo riding in the stroller with her don't look at me, don't talk to me,
and don't you dare touch my candy face!
i got a spider painted on my face. mckayla did such a good job!
and she is so good with the kiddies.
she's a keeper and i think we'll have her around for a while ;)
our friend doug and sweet baby olivia. not sure where katie was for the picture, but we have been friends for almost 7 years and i love her dearly!!
ok here we go. our subdivision is fairly new where the houses are few and far between. not ideal for taking toddlers trick or treating. so i thought! why not hook up the trailer to the riding mower. better yet why not make it festive! so we threw in some hay, tied a cornstalk to the back, stood up a scarecrow, and added some pumpkins!!
it turned out super cute and the kids loved it, well everyone except for aubree. maybe she'll come around next year.
all the lil trick or treaters.
aubree, reagan, jana, alex, and baby olivia...
trick or treat!!!!
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